Africa Exchange creates partnerships with marginalized rural communities in Kenya to enhance local capacity, protect vulnerable children and preserve fragile environments.



We envision vibrant cross-cultural relationships with thriving, resilient communities where love of God and neighbor extends to the benefit of all creation.



Engagement with specific marginalized communities in East Africa through:

  • support for holistic, integrated childhood development,

  • local capacity building,

  • promotion of appropriate technologies,

  • cross-cultural and service-learning opportunities,

  • conservation of critical ecosystems,

that reduces poverty, preserves environments, and sustains communities. 



Africa Exchange arises from an ethos and conviction that Love of God, Love of Self and Love of Neighbor are inextricably bound together and necessary for harmonious living.  Similarly, we try and practice an integral form of mission that does not attempt to separate the spiritual, psychological, physical, material or social aspects of our being, nor to pretend that we are somehow separate from the earth we inhabit.  It is our sincere hope and desire that our actions and activities will celebrate and uphold the dignity and value of all of creation. 



Our administrative team is a dedicated group of individuals who bring creativity and commitment to the work of Africa Exchange. They all have first hand experience with the places and people of Kenya which informs their engagement with us in operations and priorities as well as in crafting long range vision.

Africa Exchange Staff, Board of Directors, Advisory Group



Africa Exchange is a US registered non-profit organization, 501(c)3, with a subsidiary registered in Nairobi, Kenya. We strive towards transparency and best practice as can be attested to by our registration and endorsement through these charity evaluators :


Non-discrimination policy

Africa Exchange seeks to live out its mandate by following the ‘golden rule,’ namely, to treat others as you would have them treat you.  Our ethos demands that we love all that God loves, which is everyone and all things.  We believe all people, regardless of their particular race, religion, nationality, gender, orientation, health status or other life situation, has been endowed with inherent dignity and specific gifts that will enrich humanity.  As such, employees and the individuals and communities we serve are treated with the same dignity that is already theirs.

For a full description of all our policies, please contact us here.